Hypoxyprobe-F6 (CCI-103F) for the non-invasive [19F] MRS and MRI detection of hypoxia in normal and malignant disease.Hypoxyprobe-F6 also known as CCI-103F is a hexafluorinated derivative of 2-nitroimidazole that has six magnetically equivalent fluorine atoms. CCI-10F was developed specifically for the non-invasive detection of normal and malignant tissue hypoxia by means of 19F magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) and 19F magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (1-5). During the development of CCI-103F it became clear that a histological correlate with 19F MRS measurements would be useful and the technique of immunohistochemical hypoxia markers was invented (6, 7). CCI-103F has been widely used as an immunochemical hypoxia marker in rodents and dogs including dual marker studies in combination with Hypoxyprobe (pimonidazole HCl) (6, 8-25). A comparison of Hypoxyprobe (pimo) and Hypoxyprobe-F6 (F6) in canine tumors is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Immunoperoxidase staining for pimonidazole (Pimo; Hypoxyprobe) and CCI-103F (F6; Hypoxyprobe-F6) in contiguous sections from a canine adenocarcinoma. Non-crossreacting rabbit antisera to pimonidazole and CCI-103F adducts were used in this study.
The mechanism of CCI-10F bioreductive activation and binding is the same as that for other 2-nitroimidazoles as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Bioreductive activation, binding and fragmentation of Hypoxyprobe-F6 (CCI-103F). CCI-103F adducts to protein and small molecules consititute the hypoxia signal while hydrolytic fragments have no binding properties and are merely a source of “noise”.
19F MRS measurement of tissue hypoxia with [19F] labeled 2-nitroimidazoles involves five more or less, independent processes: 1) build up of hypoxia marker protein adducts; 2) build up of [19F] small molecule adducts of hypoxia markers that include cysteine and glutathione adducts; 3) catabolism of protein and small molecule adducts and wash out of these metabolites and hydrolytic fragmentation products (26, 27); 4) wash in of unmetabolized [19F] hypoxia marker molecules; and 5) wash out of unmetabolized [19F] hypoxia marker molecules. Approximately 80% of bioreductively activated 2-nitroimidazole hypoxia markers are fragmented by hydrolysis. Fragmentation produces non-binding [19F] metabolites that make a major contribution to background noise but add nothing to the hypoxia signal. Approximately 20% of bioreductively activated 2-nitroimidazole hypoxia markers produce the hypoxia signal – 10% from adducts with proteins and 10% from small, thiol containing compounds like glutathione (28). While the dynamics of CCI-103F metabolism complicate the non-invasive analysis of tissue hypoxia, mathematical models have been designed to isolate the [19F] MRS hypoxia signal (i.e., protein and glutathione adducts) from background noise (i.e., unbound hypoxia marker and its non-binding metabolites and hydrolytic fragments) (3).
Alternatively, hypoxia measurements can be delayed to allow for background signals to diminish.
Each additional F atom doubles signal intensity and magnetic equivalence makes sure that the increase is confined in a single MRS peak in CCI-103F adducts making CCI-103F an ideal marker for tissue hypoxia.
Hypoxyprobe-F6 can be purchased at Hypoxyprobe Store.
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